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Outline Critique

If you've got your story mapped out but haven't put pen to paper yet, I can still help you put your best foot forward in the writing process with an outline critique. I will look over your outline and provide feedback on cohesiveness, conflict timing, story arc, etc.


My outline critique service includes one pass at your outline and a 2-3 page editorial letter depending on the projected size of your manuscript. Outline critiques are included with my developmental editing service. 

Plot Coaching

For the author who needs someone to bounce ideas off of throughout their writing process, I offer plot coaching on an as-needed basis. Whether you need help developing a specific character, structuring your plot timeline, or navigating a tough fight scene, etc., we can sit down one-on-one and discuss whatever you're struggling with. My coaching sessions are a back-and-forth conversational process where we work through your writer's block. Upon booking, you will receive a consultation guideline that will help you to focus our session on what's most important to you.

Developmental Editing

In a developmental edit of your project, you will receive an in-depth review of your working content regarding what works and what doesn't work for your vision. 


I will read your project from beginning to end and give you a 5-10 page editorial letter (depending on the size of the project) offering structural and stylistic revision suggestions, asking questions, and providing feedback about how your content reads to your intended audience. After you receive your editorial letter and have had time to consider all of the information, we will schedule a 1-hour video conference to talk one-on-one about it and any questions you may have. 


A Developmental Edit includes, but is not limited to: Point of View Tense Pacing Consistency Readability Character development World development Plot progression/Timing Voice Character dialogue Chapter transitions Description Word choice Chapter/Section titles Language

Line Editing / Copyediting 

If you've shopped around editors— something I highly encourage you to do— you will find that many editors separate their copyediting services from their line editing services. I have combined them in this service package because of the level of line editing that I perform.


As the only editor to comb through your content, I work meticulously from beginning to end, often not leaving much for the copyediting phase. I will then make one more pass through to double-check for any lingering errors. During the line editing phase of your project, I will examine your content line by line to correct sentence structure, dialogue, word usage, tone and voice, grammatical errors, spelling, and any inconsistencies according to the house style guide.


Samples of my editing process can be requested during consultation. 


As the final step in the editing process, proofreading ensures that your final draft is free from typos, punctuation errors, and formatting problems. To receive the best final product, all proofreading submissions should be fully copyedited, formatted, and ready for publishing. 

Query Letter / Blurb Editing

The query letter-writing process can be a daunting one. I can help you tailor your query letter to give you the best advantage when sending submission packets to agents/publishers. Since agents/publishers typically request a synopsis/blurb with your submission packet, I can combine these services upon booking. 


A back cover blurb is your best chance to entice potential readers to pick up your book over hundreds of others on the shelf. It's a short pitch that simultaneously communicates genre, characters, and plot— a big assignment for such a small paragraph. I can help you write, organize, and edit your back cover summary so that your book stands out. 



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